At this point, however, it looks like a big mess for Furious George & Friends. The just-finished press conference does not sound like it went well (I wasn't able to watch). Atrios says it was a disaster, and under the headline "IT'S ALIVE, IT'S ALIVE - OUR MEDIA, IT'S ALIVE!!!" John Aravosis of AMERICAblog writes:
I'm watching the Pentagon's live press conference about Qaqaa-gate and the media is ripping them to shreds. It's amazing. They actually know their facts and are catching the Pentagon briefers in all sorts of mix-ups.
And more evidence that the Big Mo is truly going our way: I just ran out for lunch and tuned in to Rush Limbaugh's show for a few minutes of amusement. Oh, and it was amusing. He's spinning like a whirling dervish, invoking everything from Kerry's "not released" military records to the "global test." It's unreal. He's freaking out, and saying how the whole al QaQaa thing is going to totally implode the Kerry campaign. In the continuing game of Projection Politics, we all know what THAT really means.
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