Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

In These Times’ Craig Aaron proposes a little optimism on the Left:
Repeat after me: John Kerry is going to win. […]

How can he win? Looking at the record of the dangerous, disingenuous Bush administration, the question should be how could Kerry possibly lose? Yet all the hangdog Democrats and their pathologically pessimistic fellow-travelers ignore the encouraging evidence and just assume that one way or another—by hook, crook or October Surprise—the omnipotent Karl Rove will spank us again. The Republicans aren’t afflicted with this “genetic predisposition to panic,” as Ken Auletta calls it, and maybe that’s why they roll over us every time.

For a change, let’s try to accentuate the positive.
I second that motion. Make it your mantra and infuse your speech with hopefulness. When Kerry wins… Not if. When.

When Kerry wins, I’ll be able to breathe again.

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