Interesting news snippet as viewed (and reported) by Mr. Shakespeare’s Sister:
It was a clip of a Bush event—one of his usual sign-a-loyalty-oath-to-get-in rallies—and during a part of his speech, he was listing all the things that Kerry is saying he’ll do, even though they’re things he (Bush) is already (allegedly) doing. “John Kerry says he’ll increase the number of troops, but we’re already doing that,” etc.
So after several back-to-back examples, he launches into, “John Kerry says he’ll involve the UN” (paraphrased), at which point his base proves how inimitably stupid they are by beginning to boo and hiss. You see, he had them trained for so long to hate the UN, back when suggestions to go to the UN was nothing short of traitorous, that they didn’t realize that they’re not supposed to boo the UN anymore! (Obviously they hadn’t been updated on this, oh, well, let’s call it a policy change, since a term like flip-flopper would just be so very rude.) In addition to evidently missing the We Like the UN Now memo, they were also simply too brainless to see where he was going with his thought, despite being in the middle of a John-Kerry-is-stealing-my-ideas list.
It’s probably also an indication that they weren’t listening too closely to what he was saying, and although my first thought was, “I can hardly blame them,” the truth is, it’s exactly that kind of willful ignorance on which the Right depends to stay in power. They have to hope people don’t listen too carefully, because anyone who does will be casting their vote for Kerry come November.
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