Leading up to tonight's big debate, I am considering the last debate, and I think that, despite reports that Bush is in fighting form (and has supposedly been told not to "make faces" this time), Kerry will surely be given the opportunity to throw him well off-balance tonight. And as the last debate proved, once Bush is off-balance, he doesn't easily recover.
One of the things I noticed during the first debate (and was also noted by others, including the Rude Pundit) was that when Kerry invoked the words of Daddy Bush, it was the first time that Junior Bush looked visibly annoyed, and it was all downhill from there.
Kerry is inarguably an intelligent man, but I think he's also an incredibly perceptive man--a deadly combination for Bush. Kerry knows how to push people's buttons, and quoting Daddy Bush was a brilliant way to get under Junior's skin.
I'm looking forward to seeing what Kerry holds in store for his opponent this evening. I wouldn't count on Bush being the master of cool going up against someone who can clearly outmaneuver him in a battle of wits.
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