Slate has a round-up of staff endorsements, from editors to contributors to illustrators to interns. By far, their votes are going to Kerry, although it’s interesting to read their varied reasons why.
Ananova reports that Arnold Schwartenegger’s Austrian home town has scrapped plans to build a statue in his honor after his endorsement of Bush and the Iraq war.
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) issues a report detailing the exaggeration and manipulation of intelligence leading up to the war. The examination of this information should have played a major role in this election, as it’s a key component of the referendum on whether to re(s)elect the incumbent. Despite the media’s reluctance to engage the topic, I encourage you to read the report and see just how hoodwinked we all really were.
The Rude Pundit has a great post about Kerry’s status as superhero extraordinaire. If you are unfamiliar with Kerry’s greatest accomplishments as a Senator, this will serve as a nice introduction.
Salon’s War Room reports on Moby’s truce-calling endorsement of Eminem’s screed, “Mosh.”
And for all you country music-lovin’ Lefties out there, this song’s for you.
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