More Leisure Reading

I just read a really interesting post that I recommend for anyone who ever gets that creeping feeling that the term cold culture war is more than hyperbole. It's long but definitely worth a read.

It begins:
Oftentimes, an outside observer can see what a native observer cannot. The native is too deeply immersed in one's own culture, takes too much for granted, sees too many things as "normal" ("doesn't everyone do it this way?") that an outsider finds highly idiosyncratic and unusual.

I spent the first 25 years of my life in a nicest country. Life was great. I had everything I wanted, and so did everyone else around me. My school was fantastic. I had great friends. I travelled across Europe. Life was fun every day. Then, within a matter of several months, I saw many of those nice people become killers, neighbors going to war against each other, the government turning totalitarian, economy tanking, a once-proud nation cowering in shame. I escaped as soon as it became obvious that the disaster could not be prevented. I came to the USA then, for the same reasons many are moving to Canada now - to escape totalitarian rule and make something of my life.

Well, here we go again. After 13 years here, I see the same symptoms all over again. And this time, I am not budging.

Check out the rest. You'll be glad you did.

(Thanks for the heads-up, Coturnix.)

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