Posting will be light the next couple of days. Mr. Shakes and I are spending Christmas Eve recooperating from having imbibed egregious amounts of homemade wine at the next door neighbors' last night.
Everyone should have the lovely Christmas Eve Eve to which we were treated last night. Our next door neighbors are the most wonderful couple, who have been married 58 years. We often come home from work to find that Mr. Neighbor, well into his seventies, has mowed our lawn or snow-blown our driveway and walks for us. In a feeble attempt to repay such incredible generosity, we went over last night to take them a Christmas gift. They invited us in to join them for dinner (ribs, homemade baked beans and applesauce, and wine made from the fruits of their garden) with their children (who are our parents' age). We had an amazing dinner, played cards good fun, good conversation.
I know not everyone is as fortunate as we were, and I wish that weren't so. Peace and joy to all this holiday season and every season.
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