Sometimes when we go out on our lunch hour, I tune the radio to Rush Limbaugh just to torture Mr. Shakespeare’s Sister, who loathes Limbaugh with such intensity that, if harnessed, it would certainly fuel a small country for several generations.
Now, if you’ve ever heard a women telling a story about a male partner doing something incredibly dumb, you know that there’s a particular “dumb guy” voice that women effect to represent the man’s voice, the one-word summary of that impression being “Duhhh.” Recently, Mr. Shakes, upon hearing Limbaugh blubbering away on one of his patented insano-rants, said, “His voice is the voice every woman uses to represent a dumb guy.”
It’s so true. If you can bear to listen to him at all, tune in for a few minutes and see if you can’t picture a woman invoking the same tone when delivering a line such as, “And Steve was like, ‘I didn’t think you’d care if I recorded over the tape of Billy’s first birthday. If you didn’t want it taped over, you shouldn’t have made me go to your parents when I wanted to watch the Bears game.’”
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