I'm sick of Salon. I used to love Salon, and I pay for a subscription, and I still look in to see what's going on every once in awhile, but they need an infusion of new blood.
They're turning into the worst kind of humorless, elitist, self-congratulatory, insufferable fucks. I'm all for intellectual snobbery, which is why I adore James Wolcott and dedicate my lunch every day to reading the Rude Pundit's latest rant. But Salon has become a parody of all that used to be good about it.
I suppose it's because I am a complete movie nut, with a collection of films and a mind clogged with egregious amounts of film trivia (which combined explain my inability to ever do anything remotely productive), but Salon's movie reviews are the perfect example of what's gone wrong over there. They are truly abysmal. Stephanie Zacharek and Charles Taylor should be shot. With adrenaline. Neither one of them seems to know how to enjoy anything. I've never read so many joyless movie reviews as in Salon. "Elf" doesn't need to be deconstructed, okay?
Get it together, Salon. You're worse than irrelevant - you're boring.
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