This morning on Good Morning America, some bim was interviewing Laura Bush about the White House Christmas tree and other inane blather. During the course of the interview, it was revealed the Bushes have a Christmas card list of over two million.
Cut back to Charlie Gibson, who points out that the postage for two million cards is over $700,000, which, he added, is more than the President makes.
Now, of course I realize that the vast majority of people on this list are probably not personal contacts of the Bushes; I imagine it's pretty much entirely a list of foreign leaders and diplomats (although I suspect Jerry Falwell, Karl Rove, James Dobson, and some other people who I'd prefer my tax dollars not be used to acknowledge are on there, too).
But here's the thing...which do you think better conveys America's respect for the rest of the world? The President's massive two million strong Christmas card list, or his recent behavior in Chile, at the Clinton Library opening, and in Canada, where he reportedly ignored former Prime Minister Jean Chretien? I suspect ditching the rude, arrogant asshole act and acting like a statesman will stand us in better stead with our international friends than all the Christmas cards in the world.
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