I was directed via Rook’s Rant to Blogrollin’ Friday, a charming idea proposed by PSoTD. The gist of the idea is, if you regularly update your blog roll, instead of mass updates, pick a new link to add on Fridays and take a moment to plug ‘em. The thing I like about it is that it gives you an opportunity to provide a link to a strong or favorite post, which is a better endorsement than just a general link to the main page; I’m sure I’ve let my share of crappy posts hang around as the most recently posted well past their buy-sell dates.
Anyhoo, I think it’s just a swell concept, so for my Blogrollin’ Friday, I’m adding Rook’s Rant. And it’s not because he makes me blush or shares my deepest affinity for true geekdom, but because of posts like this and this, as I have a special appreciation for those who are equal parts kind and caustic. Special props for “Matthew Yglesias (future conservative)” which totally cracked my shit up.
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