Crazy in Alabama

Perhaps you have seen this on Americablog, but the Sheriff of Marshall County Alabama is making news today with the lovely open letter posted on his website that waxes poetic about the glorious era of the 50's and 60's in Alabama, when "men were men and women were women" and "Homosexuality was very queer and a despicable act… an abomination." Apparently racism was not an abomination, though, and still isn't. As Americablog points out, there is not one black person in their department.

If you want a laugh, read Sheriff Holcomb's letter. It reads like a bad parody of an extreme religious Right-wing nut. Better yet, contact the old son of a bitch and tell him how much you love his handiwork.

Sheriff: Mac Holcomb
425 Blount Avenue
Guntersville, AL 35976
Phone: (256) 582-2034 Fax: (256) 571-7774

As an aside, I just have to comment on how Alabama never ceases to disgust me. I mean, seriously, can it get any worse? Voting to keep separatist legislation on the books, allowing a public official to publish this garbage, etc. My family is from Alabama and many of them still live there, and I spent a lot of time there growing up, so I can speak with some authority on this matter. People in Alabama live in a weird, backward, rightwing, homophobic, racist bubble. And some of them geuinely don't even seem to realize it. A relative of mine once commented on one of the local stores, "They're letting a little nigger girl work behind the counter now." She seemed genuinely surprised. This was in the 90's. I rest my case.

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