Double Trouble

Ugh. Just when I think I can’t get more annoyed…

Check out this post at Pam’s House Blend:
USA Today: PR spending doubled under Bush

Well, now, we're paying for a well-oiled PR machine. Bush has shelled out $88 million on contracts with public relations firms? Good god, this thing is blowing wide open. This article mentions Ketchum, the firm that paid out $240K to our friend Armstrong Williams. I guess we'll see some mini-Halliburton PR agencies that have been getting fat on the taxpayers' dollar now, and I bet they're friends of Chimpy.

The sick thing is we're at war, troops don't have what they need, programs are being cut and money is being burned on flacks. The bottom line is that Bush cannot advance a crap agenda like his without people to massage and sell the hell out of it. I want my money back.
She’s got more. Just have a barf bag handy when you read it.

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