It's So Obvious

The utterly loathsome behavior demonstrated by our president at his press conference yesterday almost defies comprehension. He made fun of seniors and responded flippantly to questions about the impending election in Iraq, a topic which requires grave concern rather than yet another example of his possibly irreparable dissociation from reality.

Perhaps his lowest moment, however, was his response to the news of the highest number of troop losses since the war started:

"Obviously any time we lose life it is a sad moment," he said.

Obviously. Such a dismissive word. What an incredible horse’s ass.

James Wolcott observed:

When Bush did address the soldiers' deaths, he said that we "weep and mourn" when Americans die, but as he was saying it his hand was flatly smacking downwards for emphasis, as if he were pounding the table during the business meeting, refusing to pay a lot for a muffler. The steady beat of his hand was at odds with the sentiments he was expressing--he didn't look or sound the least bit mournful or sombre [sic]. And why should he? Death doesn't seem to be a bringdown for him. There isn't the slightest evidence that he experiences the anguish LBJ did as casualties mounted in Vietnam.


He's so cocky now that he can't even fake a semblance of sorrow after hearing news that would have made most presidents turn ashen.
Of course not. Most president are so pedestrian as to be shocked and dismayed by such macabre news, but not Cowboy George. To him, the sadness is so obvious as to undermine its gravity, to render its expression unnecessary.

More of the same detestable exhibitions of callousness and callowness from our idiot-in-chief, it struck me as so achingly, regrettably familiar. The despair for those whose loss of loved ones is exacerbated by Bush’s indifference unshakably nags me.

John at Blogenlust echoed the sentiment in a post I highly recommend:
Today I learned that one of the Marines killed in Tuesday's helicopter crash had been corresponding with a close friend. I'd actually read a few of the letters between the two, so in a small sense, I feel as though I know a bit about him despite the fact we never met and he had know idea who I was.


This is extremely upsetting for me, even as someone with no real physical connection to these guys. I can't imagine how their families, and the families of other soldiers killed in action must feel when the Commander in Chief consistently proves himself to be an insensitive prick…

I can’t imagine, either. His cavalier attitude mocks their loss, and devalues the lives given in pursuit of his dreams of empire. There’s nothing obvious about the sadness I feel. It is quite extraordinary how much sorrow I feel these days about his war, despite his best attempts to celebrate its great success.

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