A President's Legacy

Okay, now that I'm done having fun with inauguration photos in my snide little way, I want to post something a little more meaningful.

Casey Owens, a wounded marine, salutes during the Inaugural speech by U.S. President George W. Bush on Capitol Hill in Washington, January 20, 2005.

I don't know what this soldier was thinking when his picture was taken. I don't know his politics. I don't know at whom or what he was saluting. All I know is that he stands as an image of this President's legacy thus far. To those who support Mr. Bush and the war, Casey Owens is a symbol of America's power and determination to spread democracy to a country that (we claimed) was a threat to us. To those who do not, Casey Owens is a painful reminder of the sacrifice of life and limb to a pointless and avoidable cause.

It's funny how we can look at the same man and see such different things.

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