Wev is what Shakespeare’s Sister says when she has too much contempt for something to even bother uttering the full three syllables of whatever.
Michael Chertoff, Bush’s new nominee for Homeland Security Chief, is, if one’s mind is elastic enough to stretch its levels of credulity yet further, an even worse choice than Kerik. His dubious qualifications include: overseeing the initial 9/11 probe, approving and defending the indiscriminate and indefinite detention of “hundreds of ‘material witnesses’ of Arab descent -- even though it would later be determined that none—that's right, none—of the detainees had anything to do with the terrorist attacks of 2001,” lobbied for and encouraged the expanded use of domestic surveillance, and—drum roll, please—was responsible for the botched prosecution of Zacarias Moussaoui. Sounds like he’s due for a medal, too.
Of course, our Dems in D.C. are jumping all over this:
"Judge Mike Chertoff has the resume to be an excellent Homeland Security Secretary, given his law enforcement background and understanding of New York's and America's neglected homeland security needs," said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y.Oh. Well. Not exactly the firm opposition I had in mind. But then again, perhaps we should listen to Schumer, since he obviously knows what he’s talking about when it comes to Bush’s Dept. of Homeland Security nominees:
New York should always be the focal point of homeland security activities, and Bernie Kerik is a tried and true New Yorker who understands our city, our state, our problems and our needs. We look forward to working with him to bring greater help in terms of dollars and security for New York.
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