
David Corn has the goods on the shocking ass-licking the normally admirable Diane Feinstein gave to Condi yesterday:
Feinstein told the committee all about Rice's brilliant childhood. Rice played piano at the age of three. She read by the time she was five years old. Her father called her "Little Star." She attended Stanford University, Feinstein's alma mater. Feinstein cited Papa Bush's appraisal of Rice: "she knows what she is talking about." Rice, she noted, was the first woman and first African-American to be named provost of Stanford. She was good with students. And once as a child, she stood outside the White House and supposedly told her father, "I'm barred out of there now because of the color my skin. But one day, I'll be in that house."

This was all nonsense. Should people care about the personal story of a woman who has enabled Bush to bamboozle a nation?
Go read the rest. Good stuff.

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