My first thought was that maybe that was a good thing; perhaps the program wasn’t withholding funding from deserving secular groups as I had feared it might. Until I read this:
Some have no connection at all to religion, such as You Gotta Believe!, a Brooklyn, N.Y.-based group that finds permanent homes for teenagers in foster care. The name is not intended to invoke a belief in God, but the belief that there is a home somewhere for every child.I find it extremely troubling that the government does so little research of the groups to whom they direct federal funds that they don’t even know whether they are actually faith-based or not. Choosing groups based solely on their names? What if it was “You Gotta Believe (in the Supremacy of the White Race)” or “You Gotta Believe (that all fags should die)”???
White House officials said the list included groups which had identified themselves as faith-based and groups which officials thought religious based on their names.
What a collection of useless twits we’ve got running the show.
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