Election Reform

Via Looking at the Stars, we find out Senators Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer are co-sponsoring and election reform bill called the Count Every Vote Act of 2005, which will:
* Provide a verified paper ballot for every vote cast in electronic voting machines.
* Set a uniform standard for provisional ballots, so that every qualified voter within the state will know their votes are treated equally and will be counted.
* Require the Federal Election Assistance Commission to issue standards that ensure uniform access to voting machines and election personnel in every community. It's outrageous that some people in predominantly minority communities had to wait up to 10 hours to vote, while people in other communities often voted in minutes!
As Linnet says, “I've criticized Senator Clinton a lot on this blog, so it's only fair to point out when she's doing something that's not only good but vitally necessary.” Ditto for me. This is legislation that should, by all rights, receive biparisan support. If it doesn’t, the excuses from the GOP should be amusing.

Well done, Senators Boxer and Clinton. You’re the 21st Century Suffragettes.

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