A major oil fire raged Saturday after insurgents blew up a pipeline in the north of the country.
Attackers hit the oil pipeline late Friday, setting fire to the line running about 20 miles from fields in Dibis to the Kirkuk, which is 150 miles north of Baghdad. As the line continued to blaze Saturday night, an official with the state-run North Oil Co. said it would take at least four days to repair the line.
Insurgents have regularly targeted Iraq's oil infrastructure, cutting exports and denying the country funds badly needed for reconstruction. Three pipelines were been blown up last week.
Acts of sabotage have blocked exports to Turkey's Mediterranean port of Ceyhan, a major outlet for Iraqi crude, for nearly two weeks.
Insurgents, meanwhile, killed two civilians in a roadside bombing west of Baghdad, a suicide car bomber killed an Iraqi national guardsman and injured 7 people southwest of the capital and the U.S. military announced the death Friday an American soldier killed in a massive security sweep in the Sunni Triangle.And:
The body of Raiedah Mohammed Wageh Wazan, the 35-year-old news presenter for he U.S.-funded Nineveh TV, was found dumped along a Mosul street, six days after she was kidnapped by masked gunmen, according to her husband, who said she had been shot four times in the head.Fuck.
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