First up: Ezra Klein, former Pandagoner, any and all of whose posts are worth your time, and whom, if I were ever to meet him in person, I would expect to be wearing that damn blue shirt.
Next on the list: Seeing the Forest, which is another site that is always, consistently good, and additionally has a great blogroll of many great Lefty sites that’s worth exploring.
Off we go to: Slightly Left of Center. Authored by Kiosan, it’s primarily political (good recent example here), but she throws in other interesting stuff, too. In the latter category, this was particularly amusing to someone married to a Scottish immigrant who’s been asked if he can “read English okay.”
Next stop: Tami, the One True. I appreciate anyone who can turn a comment on supporting the policy versus the politician into a sly bit of humor, plus I dig her conversational style.
Last but not least: Culture Ghost, who’s cool for all kinds of reasons. Check this out.
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