The worst kept secret in the world is that Bill Frist, Senate Majority Leader, is running for President in 2008. Bill Frist may be the only politician in the world that would make most of Europe wish that Dubya could run for a third term.American Regression. Plenty of reasons to read Gary, but this has to be at the top of the list:
As you may have guessed, part of my current mission in life is to see Rick Santorum lose in 2006!I can think of fewer better life missions than that.
Waveflux. A recent favorite, titled God is Wry:
Wednesday: Pope John Paul II's new book essentially separates gay men and lesbians from the human family.Dystropoppygus, because it’s always interesting. This is a recent favorite chuckle-inducer.
Thursday: Pope John Paul II suffers a health reversal that threatens to separate him from the human family.
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