Helms Still At It

The AP reports that Jesse Helms, who still isn’t dead, is going apeshit about Bill Clinton possibly succeeding Kofi Annan as Secretary-General of the U.N:
"I'm sure you might agree that putting a left-wing, undisciplined and ethically challenged former President of the United States into a position of such power would be a tragic mistake," wrote the 83-year-old Republican [in a fund-raising letter for his senatorial library], who left office in 2003 after five terms.

The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter Tuesday. It contains a petition asking President Bush to "rebuke all efforts by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and every other liberal in Congress to push for Bill Clinton to become Secretary-General of the United Nations."
Although Annan has selected Clinton to be the U.N. point man for tsunami reconstruction, Helms is getting his panties all in a bunch for no good reason. Someone needs to tell the useless old fart that the Secretary-General of the U.N. cannot be from one of the five permanent member nations, of which the U.S. is one. Dumbo.

He probably hasn’t heard of the Voting Rights Act, either.

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