"I'm sure you might agree that putting a left-wing, undisciplined and ethically challenged former President of the United States into a position of such power would be a tragic mistake," wrote the 83-year-old Republican [in a fund-raising letter for his senatorial library], who left office in 2003 after five terms.Although Annan has selected Clinton to be the U.N. point man for tsunami reconstruction, Helms is getting his panties all in a bunch for no good reason. Someone needs to tell the useless old fart that the Secretary-General of the U.N. cannot be from one of the five permanent member nations, of which the U.S. is one. Dumbo.
The Associated Press obtained a copy of the letter Tuesday. It contains a petition asking President Bush to "rebuke all efforts by Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, and every other liberal in Congress to push for Bill Clinton to become Secretary-General of the United Nations."
He probably hasn’t heard of the Voting Rights Act, either.
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