
I've received two emails in the last couple of days that I need help addressing. The first one was about the readability of the site. Is anyone finding it difficult to read, because of the light text on the black background? I had concerns about this when I did the redesign, but this is the first comment I've had that the readability may be compromised. Any opinions here? Do people prefer a cleaner look? Happy to go to a white background with dark text if that is readers' preference.

The second one was about HaloScan comments not working. Apparently, at least one person is not able to bring up the comments box when clicking on the link. Does anyone else have this problem? If so, could you please email me at and let me know? I'd like to have some idea of how pervasive the problem is before I contact HaloScan.

Thanks to those who emailed me to let me know about these issues.

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