If He Didn't Already Have My Vote...

...he'd have it now. This post from Me4President is hilarious:
I have been awaiting Ann's interpretation of the whole Jeff Gannon fiasco with excitement. Luckily for me it has arrived. I did not see it until after I had visited JRH over at Upon Further Review... and am glad I stopped by and saw that he had already commented on her.

Like I thought, she was also appalled at such antics because things like these hurt her credibility as a journalist.

Oh wait, I misread her piece. What the hell? Ann is not outraged that national security may have been endangered or that an unqualified hack claims to have received classified information before anyone else? Oh damn, what would I call a situation where people put our safety in danger for political reasons? Now I remember, treason.
You must go read the rest as M4P imagines Ann's reaction if the same thing had happened in the Clinton White House. Great stuff.

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