Looks like all traces of Gannon/Guckert is being quickly erased from the internets. Some of the commenters at AMERICAblog are (probably rightfully) concerned that by tomorrow, there won’t be any leads left to follow.
So I’m gonna pray.
Dear Jesus:
You created a lot of beauty in this world of ours for us to enjoy. I have witnessed many of your fine sunsets, thrilled in the splendor of new-fallen snow, and have repeatedly called out your father’s name during some of the more glorious moments I’ve spent bearing witness to the male form. But nothing would be as beautiful, as soul-shakingly, blindingly gorgeous, as seeing a closet homo be the downfall of this administration.
I don’t ask for much, Jesus, but if you could just please let this M4M fucktard be the nail in the coffin for this malevolent group of gay-hating bigots, the irony would be so delicious, I would never desire a morsel of food again, living instead off the sweet fumes of the satisfaction that would satiate my every long-held desire to see them crash and burn into hellflames of their own making.
I know you’re well familiar with paradoxes, what with the people who follow a religion named after you not really paying attention to your teachings and stuff, so I’m hoping you’ll find it in your heart to deliver this simple little twist of fate to those who have sought to do evil in your name.
(Plus, it would totally be flippin’ sweet!)
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