While we’re busily slinging mud back home, some of our troops have apparently decided to
wrestle in it:
U.S. military police threw a mudwrestling party at a prison camp in Iraq and a woman who took part has been found guilty of indecent exposure and demoted, the U.S. military said Monday.
At least three female guards stripped to their underwear and wrestled each other in a paddling pool full of mud in the grounds of Camp Bucca, the biggest U.S. camp for detainees in Iraq, Lt. Col. Barry Johnson said.
Here’s the not really amusing part: Camp Bucca was the destination for detainees being removed from Abu Ghraib—ya know, because of all the rampant sexually-related misconduct there. Apparently the sight of Iraqi detainees just drives our troops wild.
"It does not appear that alcohol was involved and there is no evidence to support suggestions of any type of sexual misconduct," Johnson told Reuters.
So women were engaging in half-naked mud wrestling
sober? Wow, war really does fuck with your head.
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