Kung Fu Monkey's John Rogers is doing some informal research, and I'm posting the question here on his behalf (in no small part because I'm interested to see what people have to say). He's looking for responses to the following:
Q: How much would you pay, per episode, for your favorite TV shows?
A buck, two bucks per, a quarter or 50 cents, or nothing at all?
As for me, about the only things I watch are C-SPAN, the Discovery Channel, and Law and Order re-runs. (There are people who would claim that I am irrationally and embarrassedly addicted to American Idol, too, but those people are clearly insane.)
If I started getting charged for any of the above, I'd probably just rely exclusively on my DVD collection, which includes most of my favorite television shows (Seinfeld, Six Feet Under, Twin Peaks, Sex and the City, etc.) already, anyway.
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