Mr. Shakes and I aren’t big celebrators of Valentine’s Day, but I’m feeling especially mushy today.

This is something I wrote for Mr. S at the beginning of our relationship, and perhaps the most amazing thing is that, years later, I feel this mad for him every single day. It’s the hugest crush I’ve ever had, and it’s never gone away. I love you, babe.


He is to me my most beloved book;
He is a song that makes me toss my hair.
He is a storm whose thunder rolled and shook,
Whose lightning charges surged and thrilled the air.
He is the cause of creases ‘round my eyes
As my expression slips into a smile.
He is the air that fuels contented sighs;
He is where tears and laughter reconcile.
He’s poetry and art and symphonies.
He’s ev’ry frame of each film I adore.
He’s contemplation and philosophies.
He’s strength and hope and love forevermore.
He’s ev’rything that stirs in me response;
He is my passion and my renaissance.

Happy Valentine’s Day.

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