The pledge:
TCF asked me to take this pledge together with other residents of Left Blogstonia (©Rook). I've been remiss about not getting to it sooner.
From this point on, I hope to enlist the help of others in firmly establishing the perception, then the belief that there now exists a clear and dominant Conservative bias throughout the Mainstream Media in this country. We will demand evidence to the contrary, while having at the ready, a large quantity of data indicting those who have enabled the injurious incompetence of the present administration, and hold them equally accountable for the damage.
I am honored that he asked and happy to agree. He is absolutely right. The So-Called Liberal Media (SCLM ©Corrente) should now be referred to as the Lying Right Wing Media (LRWM ©Corrente). They built the meme of the Liberal Mainstream Media (©Instashithead) and it's time for us to tear it down. Join TCF and me in taking the pledge. In my lingo: Fuck their ass until they choke.
Credit: MSM = Murdoch Seduced Media (©TCF)
I stole this post in its entirety from The Fixer. I intended to write something about this the morning, but he beat me to it, and why mess with perfection? Plus, I'm lazy.
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