Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that. Get any sleep? (Laughter.)The Talent Show’s Greg suggested we choose your own answers to Bush's snappy parting remark, "get any sleep?" and offered his response:
Not much. You know what else I don't have time to do? See my kids!! Because I have three fucking jobs. I keep my fingers crossed that one of them doesn't end up doing drugs or turning to crime, not that I'd ever find out in the 15 minutes per day I get to see them.Ezra Klein went with: "Not really. Do you also find it weird that you run the entire country yet have time to read in the evenings and exercise in the mornings, while I work three jobs and can't even see my kids?"
I also hope that none of us ever comes down with a serious illness, since none of my three shitty jobs offers the health benefits that come with one good job. The debt from one serious illness would be enough to have us eating dog food from the back seat of our car until the kids are old enough for college. Did I say "college"? That was just a joke. I meant "prison".
Anyways, enough about me. I wanna hear more about that baseball team you used to own.
My offering: Nope, and no vacation time, either, you brush-clearing fuck.
Please feel free to enter multiple retorts. I will savor them all.
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