In conjunction with some of the best bloggers in the blogosphere—The Fixer, Travis, Eponymous, Granny Insanity, and Matt Ruben of Democrappy—I’ve begun work on a blog called The Seventh Cross, which is intended to track the rise of fascism in America. You’ll find the explanation of the great name, suggested by The Fixer, here. Much thanks is due Eponymous for getting us all set up.
My first contribution, Virginia is for Lovers, is now up, and there’s other good stuff to check out, too, even though we’re just getting rolling. If something catches your attention that you think we should cover, email me (or any one of us) and we’ll get on it.
If you have any doubt about the necessity of this endeavor, please see here. And as I’ve said before:
The undermining of democracy happens incrementally, by slow degrees. Its schemers trust that no one will notice, and that those who do will be labeled as mad, because, as Monty Python so aptly suggested, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.
So call me mad, if you will, but I will not let my silence be misconstrued as capitulation.
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