Sick Fuck

Serial killer Dennis Rader, who nicknamed
himself BTK for Bind Torture Kill

When I say what follows, I don’t mean to be flippant, but instead intend to point out just how seriously fucked up some members of this administration are…

I’m just wondering if maybe Dennis Rader didn’t find laws against his actions quaint, too? I mean, I'm just curious if maybe the women who are brutally bound, raped, tortured, and manage to survive it, or family members of the women who don't, are offended at all that exactly this kind of treatment of other humans is considered by our new Attorney General to be acceptable under certain circumstances.

As an aside, I’ve noted, as have many others, that in every article about Rader, it’s pointed out that he was a churchgoer and a Scout Leader. I could write volumes about how interesting that actually is (and common among serial killers and serial rapists), but instead, I’ll leave it to John Howard, who has an uncanny knack for summing things up rather efficiently:
So, does that mean, when it comes to being involved in Scouting, that atheism and homosexuality are bad, but serial killing is ok? Or does he just have to keep his objectionable behavior secret, like the heathens and the fags do?

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