Steers and Queers: Gay Issues in Texas

What’s East Texas’ Stephen F. Austin University’s idea of a thoughtful debate about gay issues? Pitting two anti-gay groups against each other (link via Max Blumenthal):
The Rev. W.N. Otwell of God Said Ministries in Mt. Enterprise and Adam Key, Spring junior and public relations director for Straight Pride, will debate issues related to homosexuality during a public forum beginning at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Regents Suite A of the UC.

“Both sides are anti-gay,” Doyle Srader, communication lecturer and debate moderator, said. “One side is moderate, and the other is more extreme...”

As for the gay issues they’ll be discussing? Well, it’s a whole list of topics of interest to the gay community, including:
the relationship between homosexuality and child molestation; the arrest and trial of four Philadelphians for preaching against homosexuality in public; homosexuality in schools and universities; benefits of gay marriage and civil unions; how the church is responding to homosexuality and how it should respond; homosexuality on campus; and how the average person relates to the gay agenda.
(Something tells me that even the ones that sound reasonable…aren’t. Just a little sense I have when the first item on the list is “the relationship between homosexuality and child molestation.”)

Now, I know what some of you are thinking. “Shakespeare’s Sister, I’m not gay. What’s in it for me?” Fear not, my hetero pals. It turns out that Straight Pride’s Adam Key is also part of a group called Psalm 24,
a fledgling student organization based around the idea that Biblical values are as true today as when they were written.
So get out your stones and get ready to throw ‘em! There are plenty of adulteresses out there who could use some Biblical values to set them right, and they’re not going to stone themselves.

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