Wake Up and Smell What You Shoveled
So Bush-supporting farmers don't like the raw deal they're being given with Bush's proposed budget? Boo-fucking-hoo! Call me immature, but I don't feel bad for anybody who ignorantly votes against their own self interest in favor of social conservative issues or fear of terrorism. Similarly, I don't feel bad for anyone who votes on one issue (abortion, their own finances, etc.) at the expense of scores of other more important issues. The greatest irony now is that these people who supported Bush - senior citizens, poor rural Red-state citizens, farmers, wealthy people in the upper tax brackets, even extreme relgious conservatives to a certain degree - are all getting screwed by Bush in one unique way or another. The funny part about the bitching farmers in the article is that many of them are in Ohio. Lick it up, baby. Lick it up!
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