I remember my mother telling me about the year (August 1936) she returned to school after summer break to find Hitler's picture hanging in every classroom. She came home that day and told her mother (my grandmother), who dutifully marched up to the school with my mom the next morning. The conversation with the headmaster went something like this:The post, titled “They learned it in the schools,” it’s a very powerful reminder about how the greatest changes often come under the most stealth circumstances.
Grandma: "Why is that little bastard's picture hanging in all the classrooms?"
Headmaster: "It is a directive from Berlin."
Once you’ve read it, I ask that you read this old post that connects the dots between how close we may very well be to having a similar subversive strategy implemented here. Chalk it up to paranoia if you like, but I’d rather be considered paranoid than be someone who never stood up and said a word.
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