Oddjob posed our question of the day today:
In a game of Fahrenheit 451, as earlier referenced, which book would you memorize for posterity?
And—what the heck, let’s do both—which would you cast in the pyre?
For the record, I memorized A Tale of Two Cities for posterity and cast The Unbearable Lightness of Being into the pyre. Mr. Shakes memorized Anna Karenina and cast in the Bible.
Were I to re-choose my pyre-worthy book now, with more distance from the drudgery that was Unbearable Lightness, I would probably go with something else. I don’t totally disagree with Mr. Shakes’ choice, although, upon consideration, I think we might want to keep the Bible, as it may be the only evidence we have that Jesus was in fact not a queer-hating, war profiteering, social Darwinist and Blessed Savior of the industrial-military complex, since modern Christianity seems to have somehow mixed him up with a robber baron.
Short of anything more creative, I’d gleefully throw any book written by a GOP media shill onto the flames.
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