
Who loves ’em some pornography? Well, yes, I know you do, but guess who else does?

Congress! (Link via Atrios.) In particular, the money stuffed in their coffers by pornographers. As it turns out, the 11 Representatives and 4 Senators who have accepted campaign contributions from purveyors of porn are also the ones who claim to most revile it.

Surely not, Shakespeare’s Sister, you might be thinking. It couldn’t be that upstanding members of our dignified Congress would be such wanton hypocrites.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but looks like we might just have a few wankers (in both senses of the word) on our hands (and the government payroll). The report completed by CREW included, in part, the following:
Kansas Senator Sam Brownback – who equivocates pornography with crack cocaine – accepted $17,000 from porn peddlers.
Ooh la la.
Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman – who has long campaigned against the growing coarseness of our culture – along with renown gambling addict William Bennet, handed out "Silver Sewer" awards to those who made immoral videos, and who has criticized MTV for having porn stars on the air, accepted over $16,000.
Cong. Fred Upton, who leads the charge against indecency, accepted over $56,000.
Oh yeah, right there, baby.
Arizona Senator John McCain, who claimed to be the "anti-porn" presidential candidate in ads that ran prior to the South Carolina primary, pocketed $46,000 from corporations and executives who profit from porn.
That’s what mama likes.
Melanie Sloan, CREW's executive director referred to Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM) as "the biggest hypocrite of all" for having written a letter to former Vice President Al Gore demanding that he return a contribution from an adult entertainment web site and for sanctimoniously ranting at Viacom executives that they cared more about profits than morality, despite accepting $47,000 in porn profits.
I am spent. That is the hottest hypocrisy I’ve seen in a long time. Anybody got a cigarette?

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