Who Says It's Women Who Can't Hack the "Food Fight?"

Yesterday, over at Big Brass Blog, a brave (ahem) anonymous commenter said about me:
[F]rom your writing in general (vitriol, aggression, hate, intolerance) I'd say you were one of the least respectful people I've encountered in my blogosphere.
My response:
Yeah, I'm a regular Ann Coulter of the Left.

Not that witty, I know, but I just couldn’t be bothered arguing. Who cares?

Why share this little anecdote? Well, to point out that criticisms of bloggers come with the territory. Sometimes they’re fair, and sometimes they’re not. But hey, as they say, if you can’t take the heat, then get out of the kitchen. Or, perhaps more accurately, if you can’t ignore the heat, then stop turning on the stove.

Yesterday, a lesser known blogger posted a critique of Atrios’ Eschaton that was critical, but respectful. Atrios responded by providing a link, which was followed by the Atriosian Army, who proceeded to do the dirty work that Atrios no doubt knew that they’d do. It got ugly—and it didn’t have to.

Pam’s got the whole story at Big Brass Blog.

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