Absolute Power

So, it looks like the nuclear option will be voted on sooner rather than later. (I suppose it’s mere coincidence that Frist seems likely to push it immediately after Justice Sunday. Ahem.)

John Warner, R-VA, is one of the Republicans currently being courted by both sides—a swing voter:
"I just look at this institution as really the last bastion of protecting the rights of the minority," Mr. Warner said, "and we should be very careful before we try and make any changes."


At stake is the future of the filibuster, a two-century-old parliamentary tactic that has recently been used by Democrats to prevent 10 of President Bush's appeals court nominees from being confirmed. The filibuster can be broken with 60 votes. Republicans, who have 55 members in the Senate, want confirmations to depend on a simple majority of 51.
Normally, I tend to think Warner’s a pretty okay guy, but his statement is completely incomprehensible to me. He acknowledges the filibuster as “the last bastion of protecting the rights of the minority” yet remains willing to entertain the notion of eliminating it. That his position is considered moderate is illustrative of how extreme, how blind with control, the GOP has truly become.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I despair for our country’s future if this madness goes forth as I fear it will.

[Kudos to Senators John McCain of Arizona and Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island for going on record in opposition to this insane and antidemocratic power-grab.]

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