This is so fucking hilarious, I nearly pissed myself laughing. I have no idea whether this has already circulated around the internet three thousand times, but just in case there’s anyone who hasn’t seen it (like I hadn’t), you must go.
I can’t decide which is my favorite, but this has to be up there (it’s the “Punishment” that really got me):
40. Laura BushGood lord. I’m weeping.
Crimes: Oh the first lady, what an inspiration she must be to android researchers everywhere. Smile, nod, smile, (look interested) nod, put on $50,000 dress, suck off the president and there you have a typical day for the first lady. Corporate yes-wives like her will hasten the coming of mandated burkas for American women. Actually looks related to George, which might explain their mongoloid children.
Smoking Gun: She married George Bush.
Punishment: Chugging a gallon of stem cells on Fear Factor.
(Hat tip to Mr. Furious' hubby, Mr. Curious.)
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