John and the Dark Wraith have an excellent discussion going on at Big Brass Blog about oil prices. I highly recommend it, including the exchanges in the comments threads.
For those who aren’t regular readers of the Dark Wraith, aside from his superb contributions in the comments threads here at Shakespeare’s Sister, he provides an invaluable service at Big Brass Blog and especially his own blog (linked above and on my blogroll), which is making economic issues understandable—and not intimidating—even for the least economically wonky among us.
My education and experience lend themselves primarily to being a competent commenter on social issues, but I rely heavily on to Dark Wraith (and Mr. Shakes, who tends to contribute more there than here, being an economics wonk) to inform myself about economic issues. I encourage you to give some of your time (if you’re not already) to the Dark Wraith each day, because you won’t find a better place to learn about the fiscal issues we face.
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