U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, viewed as a possible candidate for president in 2008, said Monday that he is getting a divorce.I wish this weren’t the case, but a twice-divorced single guy has a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming president of the United States. Even if we libs, who don’t bother about such things, made him our nominee, he’d get slaughtered.
Feingold and his wife, Mary, issued a joint statement through the Democrat's Senate office saying they have decided to end their 14-year marriage.
"We are separating amicably, and intend to remain very good friends," the statement said.
The marriage was the second for both, who live in Middleton. Feingold, 52, has two daughters from his first marriage, Mary Feingold has two sons from hers.
It’s too bad. He was at the top of my ’08 list.
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