Freeze, Will Robinson!

Japanese town gets a real Robocop (via Raw Story)
The safety of a Japanese neighbourhood was on Wednesday put in the hands -- briefly -- of a robot, which became police chief for the day in a campaign to promote safe driving.

T63 Artemis, named after the Greek moon goddess Artemis, helped its subordinate human officers distribute fliers on traffic safety at the train station after its appointment as head of Hakata station and surrounding neighbourhood in the southern city of Fukuoka.

The 157-centimeter (five-foot, two-inch) tall Artemis, which has two arms and weighs 100 kilograms, can go on patrol with the help of a battery, police said.
That’s pretty cool and all, but do the Japanese really expect us to be impressed with a robot police chief?! Come on. Talk to us when your nation’s got a robot second-in-command.

Cybernetic Humanoid Engineered for Neocon Extremism and Yelling

(By the way, you can find a picture of Cheney's "battery pack" here.)

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