Friday Blogrollin’

Every one of these additions today are loooooong overdue—my apologies.

SimianBrain. All good, all the time. And she gets letters from the preznit!

Pharyngula, who’s definitely on my wavelength with Satan is a Reptoid.

Bradford Plumer. Smart and wonky and writes for Mother Jones, and also posts stuff like this—gotta dig it.

Avedon Carol, who always catches good stuff.

Angry Bear. Three writers, lots of info, tons to like.

Agitprop. Even though I’m still not on the blogroll over there—pout.

BuzzFlash has also been added.

Also, it seems like the Blogwhorin’ Open Thread was a success; it certainly was from my vantage point, because, as I’ve said, I am an information junkie, and having good stuff brought to my doorstep is the ultimate fix. If everyone else liked it, from here on out, I’ll make it a regular feature. What do you think—weekly? daily?

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