Friday Blogrollin’


Bark Bark Woof Woof, which I’ve been meaning to blogroll for ages, and kept forgetting. Sorry, MB!

Ditto The Disgruntled Chemist, who, again, I’ve inadvertently omitted for awhile. Sorry, DC!

Jesus Was Not a Republican, which we’ve all no doubt said at one time or another. Erinberry’s got plenty more good stuff to say, too.

Laughing Wild, home of Maurinsky, who knows how to put on a good pissed-off post.

What Do I Know?, well authored by one of the Chatty Kathys.

And finally, Preemptive Karma, because Carla was going to hunt me down and kill me if I didn’t add her to my blogroll…but mainly because it’s a good blog. :-)

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