Good Stuff

Couple of random funny things to share…

#1: Ralph from Newsfare sent me the following email in response to my post about Title IX (reposted here with his permission):

Dear Shakespeare's Sister:

Several months ago, we tried to contact you by email. Our message was always returned, eg.,

No response from

Since you did not respond to those emails, your athletic programs have been cancelled.

Would you and the other girls like to try having a bake sale to get them back? We can probably give you some card tables to put out the brownies and cookies. They are left over from the football team's awards luncheon.


Your College Administration

#2: Right after arriving home from work, my dear friend in London phoned, and, honestly, every time we speak, we both end up in absolute fits of giggles, which often begins with shooting Woody Allen lines back and forth like dueling machine guns, but tonight began with a discussion of reality shows, which both of us abhor (except for my inexplicable devotion to The Contender, my recommendation of which sparked the topic), during which he said:

“I’ll never understand the people who watch nothing but Big Brother and Survivor and all that. I get that there’s a sociological element to it—something compelling about studying human behavior—but you’ve got 2,000 years of western culture and civilization to choose from, and you decide to watch five baboons sitting on a couch scratching their armpits?! What a bunch of shite!”

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