As I stated when I made the decision:
My policy is the same across the board: your rights here will be terminated as soon as you start infringing on the rights of others. I believe G.C. has crossed that threshold with his continued insistence on making the same inflammatory comments over and over that serve no other purpose other than to harass and annoy.Some people took issue with my decision and have threatened to leave this site because I chose to ban someone. Some people think it’s censorship. Some people will continue to complain about how unfair I am, and repeatedly assert that I try to squash dissent...
Well, today's your lucky day, kiddies! I’ve made a place for just such criticisms: Shakes Sis Sucks, a brand new blog for anyone who has a grievance against the big, mean, horrible, poopyhead that is me—including G.C. And the best part is, it's yours to run however you want.
The username is poutypuss and the password is bigbaby. Feel free to do whatever you like with it. Turn it into Blog of the Flies for all I care.
Just don’t say I never gave ya nuttin’.
[UPDATE: Mike from Running Scared has taken advantage of my offer. I have been deemed the Ann Coulter of the Left.]
[UPDATE AGAIN: Shakes Sis Sucks has now turned into a blog titled “Tax and Business Law Commentary,” authored by someone called Stuart Levine. I read it; it’s pretty interesting. If Stuart happens to drop by, he ought to introduce himself.]
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