Maybe Prayer Can Wait a Few Minutes…

My mom is an active Christian and has been her whole life. She attended Lutheran schools as a kid, went to a Lutheran university, has been a member at the same Lutheran church since before I was born, and never skips a week, whether rain or shine. I’m not sure she’d refer to herself as a liberal Christian, even though she actually is one. She’s a feminist, she supports gay rights, she disdains the use of religion as a weapon to condemn others, and she still regularly reflects on her own faith, opening herself up to ideas like universal salvation. She firmly believes that God has a sense of humor, and she’s got a great sense of humor herself.

Yesterday, she sent me the following email. I asked her if I could put on the blog, to which she agreed.
Dear one,

I just had to share this with you! I am Prayer Chain captain. (You need not address me as "Cap'n" unless you really wish). I was reading my Portals of Prayer this morning and there was a good devotion on prayer that I thought might be good to share with the other people on Prayer Chain. I didn't know if there was an online site for it, so I put Portals of Prayer in my Yahoo Search. I got as my results:

1. Portals of Prayer - Daily Devotions from Concordia Publishing House

2. Lutheran Mission Prayers

3. The Temple of Clitoris!!!!! (HUH?!!!)

Guess which one I accessed first.

Love you,
LOL! I haven’t looked at the site myself, but all I can say is, if it was as promising as it sounds, I hope she and my dad had a fun night.

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