
The newest addition on my ever-growing list of favorite bloggrrls, erinberry, who is also married to a Scotsman and runs the amusingly blunt-titled Jesus Was Not a Republican blog, comes out with this little tidbit which she found in yesterday’s Parade Magazine:
The government spent more than $40 million for the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky investigations but only $15 million for the 9/11 Commission to examine the terrorist attacks of Sep. 11, 2001.
By way of further comparison, $50 million was provided to investigate the Columbia shuttle crash which killed seven people.

And, lest we forget, the original funding earmarked for the commission, the creation of which the administration fought until they were backed into a corner by victims’ families, was a measly $3 million, with the victims’ families forced to make more noise before the administration granted additional funding, even after it had been repeatedly requested by Commission Chairman Tom Kean.

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